.NET Community Weekly Review - December 20th, 2010

Notable Tweets

http://twitter.com/#!/netduino/status/14428040134131712 if you miss the .NET framework during the holidays

http://twitter.com/#!/elite_c_sharp/status/14725304727642112 C# and Finance by the book

http://twitter.com/#!/xavier_to/status/15400188621365248 our local software developers group gives a very good feedback about our latest meetup!

The  Stackoverflow Question

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/383403/code-golf-print-the-entire-12-days-of-christmas-song-in-the-fewest-lines-of-co Code contest, printing the 12 verses of a popular song. The solutions are in Lisp, MatLab, Java, Python, Ruby, LilyPond, C# etc.

Microsoft News

Glenn Block describes the upcoming new REST/HTTP API of WCF. Of the latter only the name is preserved (and hopefully not the XMLness).  Two components: Web APIs and a new pipeline (processors). Mary Jo Foley received a Chrome OS notebook, Cr-48 Chromebook. She wonders about the differences with a Windows-based one and the perception of a regular user.

“Alt.NET” News

Greg Young and Svein Ackenhausen publish a public beta of their new tool: ContinuousTests AKA Mighty-Moose. This add-in of Visual Studio eliminates the right-click “run tests” fatigue by building and testing in the background your code. Each time you modify a file and hit Ctrl-S, a build is generated and only the tests impacted by your modification are run.

On The Other Side

2010 will be the year of social networks, maybe of THE social network. But if you are curious to discover the other ones Fredéric Cavazza has been writing about the state of the domain since a few years, and the 2011 edition is online.

The weekly review is taking some time off for the holidays and it will be back the Monday, January 10th 2011.

Local announcement: After the CQRS / Event Sourcing presentation, the workshop! Saturday, January 15th from 9:00 to 3:00PM come to code a DDD-CQRS-Event Sourcing application with others developers.

Billet publié dans les rubriques Programmation le