.NET Community Weekly Review–February, 7th 2011

Notable Tweets

http://twitter.com/#!/KodefuGuru/status/32866898634874880 Red Gate puts an end to the free version of Reflector.

http://twitter.com/#!/alimbada/status/32867465658634240 Jetbrains  made a move about it

http://twitter.com/#!/Lu_a_Jalla/status/33223276608241664 One of thoses Eric Lippert blog posts.

http://twitter.com/#!/TheCodeJunkie/status/32793518640472064 DI retired by Microsoft

The Stackoverflow Question

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9/how-do-i-calculate-someones-age-in-c A question somehow very simple but the comments in the most voted answer reveal a difference of performance between DateTime.Now and DateTime.UtcNow (Now needs to translate the UTC to the local timezone)

Microsoft News

The next MIX Conference will be held as usual in Las Vegas (11-14th of April). The vote for the sessions is finished. Dzone give its expectations on the event. The second edition of the virtual MVCConf is also announced. The conference is a mix of Microsoft and community-based [content](list of the session).

“Alt.NET” News

Mark Probst write a series of blog posts about the new Garbage Collector of Mon, SGen. The first post provides a good and quick overview of  how a garbage collector works.

On The Other Side

Ross Mason from MuleSoft writes about AMQP, the messaging protocol and its use in inter-operable scenarios. Smashing Magazine is publishing the second edition of the popular eponym book.

Local announcement: February 16th, join us for a presentation on REST: Hypermedia Driven Rich Clients: Bringing the best parts of web architecture to the desktop – Darrel Miller (@darrel_miller).

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