.NET Community Weekly Review - January, 17th 2011

Notable Tweets

http://twitter.com/#!/SzymonPobiega/status/26361688240422912 the world of CQRS in .NET is more and more active

http://twitter.com/#!/cruz_daniel/status/25717177239740416 a podcast about Powershell »>

http://twitter.com/#!/emayeur/status/25873784917467136 Kinect with C#

The Stackoverflow Question

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3927/what-are-some-good-net-profilers Quick but effective review of the different profilers for .NET

Microsoft News

It was all about the web for Microsoft this week, with the release of new tools and new versions of frameworks:

Ok now you can return to your daily job :) Rob Conery – who’s usually not shy about discussing the technology of his former employer – writes a positive review of Webmatrix: http://blog.wekeroad.com/microsoft/someone-hit-their-head

“Alt.NET” News

The ALT.NET world is not silenced in the web field. FubuMVC is already a MVC framework with some traction. OpenRasta too, even more since its author created OpenWrap, a package manager. Now, Jackson Harper from Mono has published Manos de Mono, a framework targeting high-performance web applications, inspired by Tornado and the likes (Node.js being the one with a lot of buzz lately).

On The Other Side

It wouldn’t be fair to talk about the fork of the week in the Java world. We mentioned the issues with Google App Engine and its datastore in a previous edition. Google released High Replication DataStore to prevent such problems. But since the availability has been improved, consistency is now taking a hit. Applications using it must take it into account.

To end on a funny note, if you have been asked to work free for a project, here’s a website to help decide wether you should accept: http://www.shouldiworkforfree.com/

Local announcement: February 16th, join us for a presentation on REST: Hypermedia Driven Rich Clients: Bringing the best parts of web architecture to the desktop – Darrel Miller (@darrel_miller). Subscribe to our RSS feed to get more information.

Billet publié dans les rubriques Programmation le