.NET Community Weekly Review - January, 24th 2011

Notable Tweets

http://twitter.com/#!/inkxel/status/27424550325059585 a logo for HTML5

http://twitter.com/#!/antsprofiler/status/27409823066755072 we talked about Profilers last week, a new version for the ANTS one.

http://twitter.com/#!/pzfreo/status/27791114102644737 SPDY, the Google alternative to HTTP is vastly used between Chrome and Gmail servers.

The Stackoverflow Question

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7551/best-practices-for-securing-a-rest-api-web-service REST and security, good answers with a different perspective.

Microsoft News

Microsoft published another iPhone application with OneNote Mobile for iPhone. The SP1 of Windows7 is RTM for OEM but doesn’t include any new exciting feature except maybe the dynamic memory adjustor for Hyper-V ….

“Alt.NET” News

JB Evain, developer of Mono.Cecil (a popular library to manipulate IL), describes in this article the new Linq API in .NET 4.0. In particular, he writes about the different types of node we can find in an Expression Tree and how to use them to build complex code.

On The Other Side

Amazon continues to add products to their cloud platform. The latest is AWS Elastic Beanstalk. This product is similar to GAE or Azure: you deploy your application and Amazon handles the auto-scaling, load balancing etc. Based on Tomcat, Amazon doesn’t close the door to other languages. The cost? Nothing more that the existing AWS resources you used (S3 and Ec2 mainly + RDS if you choose to use this database).

Local announcement: February 16th, join us for a presentation on REST: Hypermedia Driven Rich Clients: Bringing the best parts of web architecture to the desktop – Darrel Miller (@darrel_miller). Subscribe to our RSS feed to get more information.

Billet publié dans les rubriques Programmation le