Windows Phone Apps I Used During My Last Trip

Here’s a list of apps that we used during our trip to New York City. We stayed there for a week. Our activities were the usual ones for tourists: shopping, restaurants, museums and a lot of walking!

I used mainly my Windows Phone. Since the Surface RT and the Pro don’t have a cellular connection we used the iPad. There are 2 advantages:

- First, AT&T had a promotion: 25$ gave you a 5Gb data plan (as a tourist, you have to use a credit card like an American Express that doesn’t check the card owner’s home address, because AT&T will ask for a US address)

- You can use the iPad as a hotspot. So I was able to connect my Nokia Lumia 920. Even with this solution and the Wi-Fi hotspots in NYC you will need to have apps working offline.

The list:


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